Sometimes coach, mentor, manager but always software engineer. I am passionate about the symmathesy of building software which is a learning system made of learning parts.
Continuous Learner
After a dual degree of engineering school and Master of Science, I have mainly worked as a consultant which allowed me to learn a lot and see different projects and contexts.
I developed knowledge and, even, expertise in
- software design: clean and performant architecture, efficient testing, Domain Driven Design methodology and DevOps (I am even Kubernetes Application Developer certified :D )
- programming languages from Object Oriented to Functional paradigms (See my long list of experiments with different languages on my Github repo)
- flow methodology (using Kanban and Lean) to deliver value in production in a continuous way keeping up with the pace of business demand.
- lean product management, user experience and design thinking
- team management from tech lead to engineering manager, helping the team and individual grow and reach their objectives. One of my best inspirations for my personal style of management is intent based leadership.
I have also done a lot of online courses at the golden age of MOOC. See my licences & certifications section on linkedin
Love to share
I am a co-organizer of FlowCon France conference and Paris Continuous Delivery meetup.
I love to share so I am a regular speaker to tech / agile confs and also long time “Brow Bag lunch” speaker :)
Most of this public activity is in French 🙂
- A long (3h) Devoxx university with my colleague Maxime Gelle around test from Unit Test to Testing (in) Production but also BDD, Contract Testing, Property Based testing … Tour d’horizon des tests dans nos applications - Devoxx France - 2021
- How to use DDD to fight back functional debt (aka the domain is lost into the legacy implementation) Guerilla DDD - DDD Meetup - 2018
- What you need to know before moving from monoolith to Microservices Du monolithe aux micro services depuis les tranchées - Codeurs en Seine - 2017
- Making developers aware of psychology and cognitive science thanks to the thesis of two-speed thinking, cognitive biases and their impact on our ability to judge. Coding, fast & slow - Devoxx France - 2016
- Discover why and how to facilitate and simplify learning to survive in the 21st century. Apprendre à apprendre pour innover, s’adapter et surtout survivre au 21ème siècle
- How to use BDD to take back control of legacy code and business domain Faire vivre vos spécifications - Scrum Days - 2014
- A quickie about Gamification La gamification - HumanTalk - Juin 2014
- A quickie about Massive Open Online Course La révolution des MOOCs - HumanTalk - Janvier 2014